Slim down python docker image size with poetry and pip

Python package management is not straightforward, seeing default package manager (pip) does not behave like node’s npm, in a sense that it doesn’t track dependencies versions. This is why you should use poetry to manage python packages, since it creates a lock file, so you can be sure that on every re-install, the versions would be the same. However, this poses a challenge when you want to create a docker image with poetry, because you need to do an extra pip install poetry (unless you bake this into your base python image)....

April 7, 2024 · 2 min · Karn Wong

DevX starts at your local machine

Platform engineering is all the rage these days. Often, you’ll often hear this term with the keyword DevX. How are they related? Imagine you are working on a microservice backend. You are just starting out, so you don’t have much features to work on yet. But as a PoC, you only need to [fetch data] and [return aggregated price]. You can do microservices on Kubernetes, but you are not familiar with DevOps so you turn to a cloud provider - AWS....

April 22, 2023 · 4 min · Karn Wong

Use SSH key during docker build without embedding the key via ssh-agent

Imagine working in a company, and they have a super cool internal module! The module works great, except that it is a private module, which means you need to install it by cloning the source repo and install it from source. That shouldn’t be an issue if you work on your local machine. But for production usually this means you somehow need to bundle this awesome module into your docker image....

February 6, 2022 · 2 min · Karn Wong

Use pyspark locally with docker

For data that doesn’t fit into memory, spark is often a recommended solution, since it can utilize map-reduce to work with data in a distributed manner. However, setting up local spark development from scratch involves multiple steps, and definitely not for a faint of heart. Thankfully using docker means you can skip a lot of steps 😃 Instructions Install Docker Desktop Create docker-compose.yml in a directory somewhere version: "3.3" services: pyspark: container_name: pyspark image: jupyter/pyspark-notebook:latest ports: - "8888:8888" volumes: - ....

December 21, 2021 · 3 min · Karn Wong

Reduce docker image size with alpine

Creating scripts are easy. But creating a small docker image is not 😅. Not all Linux flavors are created equal, some are bigger than others, etc. But this difference is very crucial when it comes to reducing docker image size. A simple bash script docker image Given a Dockerfile (change apk to apt for ubuntu): FROM alpine:3 WORKDIR /app RUN apk update && apk add jq curl COPY ./ ENTRYPOINT ["sh", "/app/water-cut-notify....

December 19, 2021 · 1 min · Karn Wong